What does this __dirname even mean?


3 min read

You might have seen this guy __dirname a couple of times, maybe in a webpack config like this

 const path = require('path');

 module.exports = {
   entry: './src/index.js',
   output: {
     filename: 'bundle.js',
     path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.css$/i,
        use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'],

Well, but what is __dirname?

It is a variable that is accessible in every javascript module(or file), and its value is the absolute path of the immediate parent directory in which the file is located. Let's first see what is absolute and relative paths are.

Folder structure for Demonstration

  |___ src
         |___ utils.js
         |___ helpers.js
|___ index.js
|___ package.json

Absolute Path

  • absolute path is the complete information you need to get to your destination.
  • It locates your destination by considering the root folder of your operating system as a reference.
  • By following the absolute path you will always reach the correct destination, hence the name absolute
  • Example, for the above folder structure, the absolute path for my-app directory would be
    • C:\Users\SAIRAJ\Desktop\my-app in windows
    • /home/sairaj/my-app in Linux

Relative path

  • Instead of considering the root directory of your operating system as a reference to locate your destination, it considers some other directory as its reference
  • Example, in the above folder structure
    • relative path for utils.js considering reference directory as my-app would be ./src/utils.js
    • Relative path for index.js considering reference directory as src would be ../index.js (.. two dots refer to go back one directory and since we are considering reference directory as src we have to go back one directory to reach index.js)

Understanding __dirname

if we recall the definition of __dirname it stores the absolute path of the immediate parent directory the file is located in, so lets console.log(__dirname) in each of utils.js, helpers.js, and index.js

The logs are

  • /home/sairaj/my-app for index.js
  • /home/sairaj/my-app/src for utils.js and helpers.js

As we know the parent directory of index.js is my-app, and utils.js, helpers.js is src, we got the expected absolute paths for them.

NOW that we understood what __dirname is and what it stores in it, we can ask a question, why do I care about __dirname, why should I use it? the answer is simple, to get the path of our destination that can be used flawlessly, as we have seen the webpack config at the staring of the article, the output object uses __dirnameto correctly locate the output directory for the compiled code, and since the path is absolute there is no confusion about the destination that it leads to.

 output: {
     filename: 'bundle.js',
     path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),

Once again, __dirname stores the value of absolute path of the immediate parent directory of the file in which we used __dirname